In work using Microsoft Excel, we often encounter
the numeric data that should be changed to the letter. For example, for the sum
of money Rp. 5,000,000 will be changed to "Five Million". It can be
done manually by typing the Five Million, but if the data that must be changed
are numerous, it will take quite a long time.
is a way that automatically convert numbers into letters, using the functions
spelled out in Microsoft Excel. However, to use the functions spelled out in
Microsoft Excel, pal can all add ins download it below :
you've already downloaded the add ins terbilangnya function, please save it in
the folder in which if my friend remembered. After that please follow the steps
below, can use Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013.
How to
Use Microsoft Excel Formulas Spelled On
1. Open Microsoft Excel pal, because I use Excel 2010,
then I click fili who are in the top left corner. As shown below :
2. After the buddy-click the file, it will come out as
shown below: Then click add ins
3. After that, my friend just click Go to apply the
functions spelled out in excel pal
4. After that will appear as shown below, and click
Browse and search functions that had spelled my friend downloaded and saved.
5. Then put a checklist on somewhat, and then click OK
here, the functions spelled out in Microsoft Excel friend had to work, to use
the functions spelled out, buddy just write the formula = somewhat (cell
address) as shown below :
... What if you want to show rupiah? is easy enough. Buddy stayed fairly
memodofikasi this function. for example, will change the cell D4 (number 128),
then the formula can be seen below :
some of the functions spelled out, sometimes his letters there is a great all,
there is also a small all. How to change the font in accordance with our
wishes. Suppose the "FIVE MILLION" want to be "Five
Million", then the formula as below :
Function to change the font (change case) in Microsoft Excel are as follows:
LOWER - to turn all capitals on the text to lowercase.
Example: ade, susi, ammy, rudi or budi
UPPER - to change all lowercase text to uppercase.
PROPER - to make the first letter of text to uppercase and the other letters to lowercase.
Example: Ade, Susi, Ammy, Rudi Or Budi
how to create a fairly simple function in Microsoft Excel. Hopefully Helpful
for us all. Aamiin ....
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